

Set up your own porn experience! In vrXcity PART ONE you choose between different real porn stars, photorealistic locations and sex positions and pair them together in different scenes.
Direct the actors via gesture controls to adjust speed and state for the sex positions and place and adjust cameras to find the perfect angles and get the best shots!

Date Published: 25 Feb, 2020

Devices: Oculus Rift

OS: Windows

Languages: English

Developer: me.mento 3D interactive GmbH

Desktop Version:   $9,99
VR only Version:   $19,99
Bundle (both versions):  $24,99

Set up the different elements of a porn movie in the preproduction screen and pair porn stars, locations and sex positions together in different shooting scenes.

Place and adjust your cameras. Use the preview screen and fine adjustment tools to find the best angles.

Direct your actors by using gesture commands. You can switch through the different states of each sex position and adjust the speed before letting the actors climax together.

VR exclusive features
Experience the action with the porn stars in first person. You can choose between Texas Patti and Marley Brinx to have an interactive porn experience.

Try different sex positions and dynamically switch through the different states and adjust the speed by directly interacting with the porn stars.

3 real porn stars. Texas Patti, Danny Mountain and Marley Brinx are ready to dive into hot action! More Porn stars will be added as DLCs soon. 

5 super detailed photo-realistic locations available during day and atmospheric night setting.
More locations will be added as DLCs soon.

3 sex positions with different states, created with motion capture animations
More sex positions will be added as DLCs soon.

Also stay tuned for more features and content with future expansions that let you dive deeper into the porn business!

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