

VRtitties is an erotic game enabled for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. The game is created using the Unreal Engine. You do not need an Oculus Rift to play this game!

The game features are:
-A gorgeous fully customisable model.
-User or automatically controlled animations.
-Character expressions.
-Physics blended with the females animations.
-Dynamic Jizz particles.
-Oculus rift optimised.
-Sound effects.
-Different Hair

Future Features:
-Community made story lines
-More animations
-More outfits
-More character customization

Date Published: 11 Dec, 2016

Devices: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

OS: Windows

Languages: English

Developer: VRtitties

Price: $3

Your support of this Patreon will allow me to expand the development team. Our ultimate goal is to start a VR game studio with a focus on creating games with adult content, which the funds from this Pateron will largely go towards and enable.

Any amount you pledge is much appreciated and will go a long way in developing the future of VRtitties. As a token of our gratitude we will be offering special patron rewards.

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